I've been ignoring this blog for a year and a half, but...life changes. It's time to start up again.
After a lifetime in the Northeast USA, Phil and I are going to move to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia in September. He's going to direct a new Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology at the U of Queensland. And I -- after years of resisting -- am going back to school for a PhD.
Naturally, since it's been over 20 years since the last time I went to school, I am terrified. At the same time, the prospect of immersing myself in something academic, and leaving the cares and hassles of clinical practice behind, is awfully appealing. I have 3 1/2 years to finish the degree.
We will leave behind: Sam; Jo, Wes and Zara (and possibly a new sibling); my dad, sister, brother-in-law, nieces/their families; Phil's brother and sister-in-law; a few very, very special friends; many colleagues and friends; brewed iced tea; good ice cream; maple scones; snow; driving on the right side of the road.
We will look forward to: visits from any and all friends/colleagues; being in the same general part of the world as Brian; US visits a few times a year; coffee shops on every corner (Phil, not me); no snow; exploring a new and very unusual country; finding new friends; and finding new quilt and fabric shops.
This is the quilt I made for Nora McGowan, who was born in November 2007. Hey, that means she's 6 months old now! She was a long time coming.