it's about life, my life, quilts, midwifery, and whatever else occurs to me.

18 June 2020

The Aussie alphabet: Q is for Queensland

The beautiful state of Queensland, my home for the 6+ years of living in Australia.

As diverse a place as you could imagine, in every possible way. Huge - according to Wikipedia, bigger than all but 15 countries. 

Home to the Great Barrier Reef which used to look like this

but sadly now looks more like this

Brisbane is the capital and largest city:   Brisbane was the home of the Turrbal and Jagera people but got its name from the first governor of the penal colony that  as  If you don't want to read the whole Wikipedia entry, here is a link to the Brisbane CBD as seen from a nearby suburb.

It was an amazing place to live and I miss so much about it.

01 June 2020

Oh, USA.

I'm glad my granddaughters are seeing what's going on in the country right now. 

We haven't had people so energized since the Vietnam War protests when I was a few years older than they are now. But African Americans were left behind then, more likely to be drafted and unable to come up with any sort of deferment. Left behind, again, as they had been left behind in 1865, left way behind during Jim Crow, after WWII despite honorable service. Yes, we had recently passed the Voting Rights Act and that was something, but barely.

I hope we're serious about doing the right thing this time.

The Aussie alphabet: P is for possum

Often of a summer evening, well, really any time of year, we would be enjoying dinner or after-dinner on the deck and be visited by a possum. I don't know if it was always the same possum, but it was always interested if there was food on the table. Sometimes it would come quite close to the table (and us around it).

These possums are Oz natives, as you can read here in the Wikipedia entry.

Here's an explanation of the difference between Opossums that are native to the Northern hemisphere, and Possums that are native to Oz, from the perspective of a Kiwi. Possums were
introduced from Oz to NZ (bad idea apparently as they are now a big PEST) but their fur does make lovely knitted goods so that's an idea for you knitters.

You can see they're sort of cute. But mostly you don't want to get that close to them.

Back after almost 5 years of nothing.

Q: Why have you returned to this blog after almost 5 years of nothing?
A: Because I was finally sick of what Facebook is doing to our country, and some people I know don't like/don't use Twitter or Instagram, so they can find me here.

Q: What are you going to write about?
A: I don't know yet. Probably quilts will be involved some of the time.

Q: How often will you post?
A: To quote the current occupant of the White House, "we'll have to see."

Q: Any words for your audience?
A: What audience?

Thank you for reading this interview. See you back here soon. I think.