Since I took this photo I've finished the top. I'll be sending it out for quilting very soon! This is another Trip Around the World, the 2nd one I've done this year. More about the 1st one later.
it's about life, my life, quilts, midwifery, and whatever else occurs to me.
10 October 2006
20 May 2006
Wedding quilts
My first quilt
Trip Around the World
16 May 2006
The raffle quilt
14 May 2006
The 1st 2 rows of Karen's quilt
Another view
My sidekick
12 May 2006
I never thought I would be doing this, this being creating a blog. It's not like I have too much time on my hands. But as making quilts has become more and more important in my life, it seems like a good way to be able to show off what I do. So take a look every now and then to see the quilts I've finished, and what I'm working on.
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