it's about life, my life, quilts, midwifery, and whatever else occurs to me.

09 June 2009


I wish I had a photo of dusk this evening. I went up to the reservoir to run (did about 5K at my usual snail's pace) and rewarded myself with a breather at the viewing platform before walking back down to the Treehouse. The sky was simply amazing with colours in layers. The bottom layer was a band of robin's egg blue; just above that a deep lavender, that gradually faded to a light pink in a sort of ombre stripe arrangement. The natural beauty of this place can't be overstated. Phil and I spent the long weekend just past at a little resort north of here called Agnes Water. Pretty off the beaten path. We chose to drive and see some countryside; long drive but rewarding. I lost count of the number of times one of us said "it's pretty here, isn't it?" Reminds us both of parts of California, if a bit greener overall.

I don't know if I'll really live here for the rest of my life, but if I don't, it will surely be hard to leave.

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