it's about life, my life, quilts, midwifery, and whatever else occurs to me.

22 September 2014

6 years

This past weekend marked 6 years since Phil and I arrived in Oz for our gig. And it has been an adventure for sure.

We made some good friends.
Bought, and sold, a house.
Got to know two different neighbourhoods in Brisbane quite well and became acquainted with a few others. 
Visited North Qld, Byron Bay (several times), Sydney, Melbourne (both multiple times), Adelaide, Hobart, and surrounding areas of each.

For my part, I finished a PhD and a few quilts, taught some fabulous future midwives, and helped a few young new Australians learn English.

Phil created and led an innovation lab at the university, with much success and some frustration, and was sought out as a consultant or speaker at universities and schools, and even the Federal government.

Now as we anticipate leaving in just a few weeks, here is what I'll miss:

TimTams. Yes, you can order them on Amazon, but they are super expensive, so no.
Living on the river in West End with the view that I never tire of, and where I can walk to everything. 
The CityCat ferries, most civilised transportation ever.
The weather, especially spring and fall.
The jacarandas in bloom in October.
Being 2 hours from Melbourne.
Really excellent wine, even though I can't drink very much of it at a time.
Prices that include tax and service charge.

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